Formal training
The training programme is geared to preparing Research Engineers to work in multi-disciplinary teams, to function as effective members of complex organisations, to analyse the overall economic context of projects and to be aware of the social, ethical and environmental implications. The programme comprises two parts:
1. Compulsory modules
- Taught modules primarily in the Autumn Semester of year 1
- Research training spread over the first 2 years
2. Optional modules (30 credits), available in the
- Spring Semester, year 1
- Autumn Semester, year 2
By the end of the second year, all Research Engineers will have completed the formal training programme of 180 credits.
The taught programme is designed to give all Research Engineers a blend of advanced technical, contextual and technology management skills to prepare for both doctoral research and for career within industry.
Compulsory Modules
Module Title
Power Generation and Carbon Capture
Weekly 2 hour lecture,
over 11 weeks
Dept of Chemical and
Env. Engineering (Nottingham)
Energy Systems and Policy
Two intensive week blocks
School of Sociology and Social Policy (Nottingham)
Commercialisation of Research
Intensive week block
Loughborough University
Research and Professional Skills
Module run over 2 years
Graduate School (Nottingham)
Presentation and Team Skills
Intensive week block
University of Birmingham
Industrial Case Studies
Intensive week block
Loughborough University
Industrial Mini-Project
Module run over semester 1, year 1
Registering University
Pilot-scale Facilities Training
Two intensive week blocks
Beighton and Buxton
Communication and Public Engagement
Various sessions in semester 2, year 1
University of Nottingham
Research Project Portfolio Parts I and II
Various research training activities
Registering University
International Placement
Intensive block in year 2
Any overseas laboratory or international conferences chosen by student
Optional Modules
Research Engineers have a wide selection from any relevant Masters level modules across the three Universities. From this platform, the Research Engineers were then required to choose elective modules closely allied to their doctoral research, again a mix of advanced technical, contextual and management knowledge.
In addition to the formal training programme, there is the opportunity to receive in-company training aligned with the research project.
Please note that programme details may be subject to change. For full module information, please contact us.