EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in
Carbon Capture and Storage and Cleaner Fossil Energy
University of Nottingham


The Centre closely works with other national doctoral training networks providing a platform for students to share ideas and participate in national events.

The Association of Engineering Doctorates is a community engaged in research in engineering and related disciplines. It encourages high calibre research engineers (REs) to undertake EngD programmes at Industrial Doctorate Centres (IDCs), funded by EPSRC with backing from UK industry sponsors, many of them companies at the leading edge of innovative thinking and practice. EngD programmes provide a challenging, multi-disciplinary and academically rigorous education and training experience, leading to a recognised post-graduate research qualification.

For further information contact:
Secretariat Team
e:  admin@aengd.org.uk


The UK Carbon Capture and Storage Community Network (UKCCSC) is a collective of over 250 engineering, technological, natural, environmental, social and economic academic members with CCS interests. There are also roughly 250 industry, governmental and NGO stakeholders who are interested in UKCCSC and contribute to this diverse and vibrant network. UKCCSC is funded by a £1 million grant from Research Councils UK Energy Programme to rapidly expand CCS research in the UK and to provide an open forum for sharing information and ideas in this growing area. 

UKCCSC sponsored three PhD/EngD students to participate in the 2011 India Summer School and are again sponsoring three PhD/EngD students to participate in the 2012 China Summer School.  We are extremely grateful for their contribution to the strategic development of the CCSCFE EngD Centre.

For further information contact:
Robin Cathcart  



EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Carbon Capture and Storage and Cleaner Fossil Energy

Email: ccscfe@nottingham.ac.uk